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I’m One of You

Powerlifting4usliberty is Jonathan Slaven, of Arkansas City, KS. Born in 1987, Jon is a young man who has embarked on his life’s journey to serve and to be of help to his fellow man. He knows the importance of maintaining good health and understands that it is becoming more difficult to be healthy in American society today. During his high school and immediate post-high school years, Jon worked and saved up money to go on a two year mission for the church he attends. He served the Russian people of Rostov-na-Donu, Southern Russia, for over two years. During the time he was gone, President Obama was elected and served as president for nearly a year. When Jon returned home to Kansas, he saw the stark difference of the political atmosphere, the American economy, and the general prosperity and happiness of his fellow Americans, as compared to before his departure.

Jon took inventory of what he could do to make a positive contribution to his country, and how to help return it to the country he knew and loved, and not become like the one he had just recently left. He decided to help his fellow Americans by joining the  fight against corruption and evil socialism in the realm of diet and health. “You are what you eat” is quite true, and if we lose control of what we choose to eat, we will lose control of our health. “Without your health you have nothing.” If Big Pharma, tyrannical bureaucrats, and socialistic politicians have their way, you’ll have precisely that.

Blessed with a healthy and strong body, Jon has made substantial strength gains in his powerlifting endeavors. Jon knows that his lifting success, and any other’s for that matter, is ninety percent diet and ten percent lifting. So he has created the “Political Powerlifter” site to satirize the news of today while correlating it to powerlifting and the necessary actions we the consumers can take to promote health, strength, and liberty!

Powerlifters of America–Unite!
Let’s become politically active in our homes and communities
Let us preserve our right to lift and to become strong
and above all
Let us bolster our ailing fellow Americans!

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